Self-Catering Accommodation in Bloemfontein
Our Self-Catering Accommodation in Bloemfontein is ideal for business travelers and leisure guests. We offer 3 double guest rooms and 2 family rooms and we are able to accommodate up to 19 guests.
Each room has free Wi-Fi, fridge, microwave oven, kettle, tea tray, cutlery, and crockery. A flat-screen TV with OpenView satellite channels. Hairdryer, iron, and ironing board.
Secure parking for ONE vehicle per room. Please confer with management if more vehicles need parking. Seasonal swimming pool.
Smoking is allowed outside on the patio, and pets are allowed by prior consent.
Booking in from 14:00 to 20:00. Guests are to confer with management if they need to arrive earlier or later.
Melsetter’s is easily accessible from the N1, and is near the University of the Free State, CTU, and Netcare, Universitas, and Bloemcare Hospitals. Also near Eunice and Grey College Schools. Langenhoven Park has several supermarkets, excellent restaurants, and many takeaway food providers. 1 km from the popular ‘Boeremark’ which is held every Saturday.
Come and enjoy our hospitality. Our guests’ comfort and satisfaction are our main concern.